If you’ve ever got any enquiries related to your hosting package or you experience a problem with your websites, you’ll have to get in touch with the respective web hosting company’s client support team. It may not matter how fast they will respond when you have an enquiry of a generic nature, but a problem like a botched software application update, for example, may lead to your site becoming damaged or unreachable online. And the longer you wait for the support team to lend you a helping hand, the longer the site will be down. If you offer services or goods online, any outage will harmfully influence your site and you may lose existing or potential customers. Many web hosting providers, mainly resellers, reply to tickets and emails within twenty four hours, but in the digital era that’s way too long, as customers will rarely return to a site that’s not functioning properly for prolonged intervals.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

With a cloud hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting for hours on end, or even all day, to obtain an answer to an e-mail or a helpdesk ticket. Irrespective of when you contact us, we will get back to you within only 1 hour with any technical and sales enquiries you may have. The fact is, our actual reaction time almost never surpasses twenty-thirty minutes. Since we’re at your disposal 7 days a week, you will always get support in a timely fashion and we are aware of how vital this is in the digital era. Shortly after you contact us, we will respond to your inquiries. If you face any technical obstacle, we’ll cope with it for you, or we’ll provide you with all the required information if there is something that you need to do yourself.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server account from us, you can take full advantage of our really fast support services. You’ll obtain an answer to any support ticket submitted through the hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our client and technical support team in no more than 60 minutes. The response time is guaranteed and it applies regardless of the issue – billing or technical. Often, it takes substantially less time to examine and solve a problem. We will provide you with more info in case the solution involves something that needs to be done on your end. In case you get in touch with us during weekends or national holidays, the response time will be absolutely the same and given that our support team is working 7 days a week, you will obtain quick assistance for practically any general, technical or billing issue regardless of the hour.